Learn About the Risk Free Head Rush Tech Demo Program
Are you interested in any of the Head Rush Technologies products, including the TRUBLUE Auto Belay, QUICKjump Free Fall device or zipSTOP Zip Line Brake, but hesitant? Are you not quite sure how our devices would fit in at your facility? Do you want to see the hard data before you commit? Sounds like you're a perfect candidate for risk-free Head Rush product demos to see for yourself.
How Does The Demo Program Work?
The demo program is quite simple. Let us know you're interested, sign the basic demo agreement and we'll send you the devices. You read that right — you can get as many QUICKjumps, TRUBLUEs or zipSTOPS as your space allows). At the end of the demo period, either pay for the devices and keep them or send them back. We'll even cover the cost of shipping both ways.
So It's Risk and Cost-Free?
That's right. Head Rush Tech assumes all the risk for the demo program. You pay nothing unless you keep the devices. We're so confident in our products and their revolutionary eddy current magnetic braking technology that we'll put our money where our mouths are. We'll assume this risk because we know you will see how our products can help increase revenue and throughput, mitigate risk and satisfy your thrill-seekers.
How To Sign Up
If you're ready to sign up for a demo or want to learn more about the demo period and application process, fill out the form or just give us a call!. What are you waiting for?!